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Calculate collection costs

How many collection costs may be charged?

You can calculate the extrajudicial collection costs yourself using the collection calculator below. Enter the principal and we will calculate the costs

What are collection costs?

Collection costs are the costs that the government has laid down in the Decree on the Collection of Costs Act (WIK: Act of 15 March 2012 amending Book 6 of the Dutch Civil Code and the Code of Civil Procedure). The extrajudicial collection costs may be charged to your customer if timely payment of your invoice(s) is not forthcoming.

Collection Costs Act (WIK) 2020

The amount of the costs to your customer is limited for claims that can be collected since 1 July 2012, fall under the Decree on compensation for extrajudicial collection costs. This is to protect debtors against very high collection costs. The amount of these costs can never exceed € 6,775 and is calculated as follows;

See the scale below:

Principal Collection Fee
Over de eerste € 2.500,00 15% (with a min. € 40.00)
About the next € 2,500.00 10%
Over the next € 5,000.00 5%
Over the next € 190.000,00 1%
Anything above €200,000.00 0,5% (max. € 6.775,00)


Minimum collection costs: There is a legal minimum amount of € 40 for collection costs. The collection agency may always claim this amount. Is your bill, for example, € 300? In that case, the debt collection agency may request 15% over €300 = €45.

Calculate the collection costs yourself here

Calculate the statutory collection costs yourself ( WIK ) here with the collection calculator, enter the amount to be claimed;

Do you have a claim against a consumer or a company?

For the liability of the collection costs and the associated preliminary process, it is important to see whether you have a claim on a company or on a private person.

When do companies owe collection costs?

As a guideline, you can keep in mind that if your invoice is not paid within 30 days, a company will owe automatic collection costs. You do not have to send another reminder to be able to claim the collection costs. In fact, you do not even have to have transferred the claim to a collection agency to charge collection costs to the non-payer!

Article 6:96 paragraph 4 of the Dutch Civil Code describes:

‘In the case of a trade agreement (…)  , the reimbursement of costs referred to in paragraph 2 under c consists of at least an amount of 40 euros. This amount is due without notice from the day following the day on which the statutory or agreed payment deadline has passed. It is not possible to deviate from this to the detriment of the creditor.’

Article 96 of the Civil Code Book 6

Note: The article states that it does not matter whether payment is made before or after reading the demand from the collection agency. The legislator has done this because the legislator believes that the risk of relinquishing a claim because payment has not been made on time should be entirely at the risk of the non-payer.

When do consumers owe collection costs?

In the case of a claim against a consumer, the law (Article 6:96 paragraph 6 of the Dutch Civil Code):

If the debtor is a natural person who is not acting in the exercise of a profession or business, the compensation in accordance with the detailed rules can only become due after the debtor, after the default referred to in Section 81, Section 81 of the Dutch Civil Code, has occurred. 6, stating the consequences of the non-payment, including the compensation that is claimed in accordance with the detailed rules, has been demanded of payment within a period of fourteen days, commencing the day after the reminder.’

In normal words: Once a consumer has received the so-called 14-day letter, if payment is not made within the specified period, the consumer owes collection costs. The legislator has done this because the legislator believes that a consumer deserves extra protection and is not simply saddled with extra costs. The legislation for consumers is therefore stricter than for companies.

For more information about the requirements that such a 14-day letter/final reminder must meet, see our separate page about the Final notice

VAT on the collection costs, yes or no?

If you as a client are not liable for VAT, we may pass on the VAT on the collection costs to your customer. If you are subject to VAT yourself, we will pass the VAT on to you. The VAT has been settled as a withholding tax and must be added to the net result. (Of course you can reclaim the VAT charged from the tax authorities, so on balance you pay nothing.)

Are you liable for VAT: then no VAT on the collection costs
Are you not liable for VAT: or VAT on the collection costs?

Knowing more?

Do you have any questions about the collection costs?

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Frequently asked questions

View all FAQ's

When can you engage a collection agency?

There are no statutory deadlines for B2B claims to determine whether or not you may engage a collection agency. The law does state the following, Article 6: 96 of the Dutch Civil Code, paragraph 4 : The amount (collection costs, statutory interest) is due without notice from the day following the day on which the statutory or agreed payment deadline has passed. This cannot be deviated from to the detriment of the creditor. As a rule, this is allowed for 30 days, unless the general terms and conditions state otherwise.

Different rules apply to consumers, before you can engage a collection agency, you must first send your customer a ‘Wk letter’ stating that your customer has still not paid despite previous payment reminders. In it you indicate that you expect to receive the payment within 14 days, otherwise a collection agency will be called in and the resulting costs will be for your customer, also indicating the exact amount that will be charged in collection costs after the expiry of these 14 days. may be brought.

There is a statutory limitation period of five years for outstanding invoices. So it is wise to engage a collection agency in time, then you also have the best chance that the invoice will still be paid.


Do the collection costs increase during the collection procedure?

No, the collection costs are a fixed cost item. These costs therefore remain the same from the first to the last summation.

Can you charge a minimum amount of 100 euros in collection costs for commercial claims?

In this case too, if there is a claim between companies, the parties can make different agreements about the minimum collection costs. For example, a company can indicate that the collection costs are at least 15% with a minimum of 100 euros instead of the legal 40 euros. In this way, the counterparty is encouraged to meet its obligations in a timely manner.

Can you use different collection costs for commercial claims?

If there is a claim between companies, the parties can make different agreements about the collection costs. These must be recorded in the general terms and conditions. These costs must be reasonable. As a guideline, an amount of 15% collection costs on the invoice amount is considered reasonable.

Can I also add collection costs to the invoice when submitting the claim?

No. We request that you only enter the basic invoice amount. Credifin Netherlands is already claiming the legally permitted collection costs. If the invoice also includes collection costs or similar costs, the debtor pays double collection costs, this is not allowed.

When can interest be charged?

The interest starts to run from the moment the payment term has expired without a notice of default being required. The statutory consumer interest is 2% in 2022 and the statutory commercial interest for companies is 8.0% in 2022. Credifin always automatically includes this interest in the amount to be claimed.

Why Credifin?

  • No subscription or file costs
  • 100% No cure No pay
  • Letter sent to the debtor the next working day
  • Easy upload of your invoices
  • Follow the collection process 24/7 via your online file
  • Unique: Free collection with Registered Email ™

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