Account aanmaken

Thank you for signing up

We really appreciate that you have chosen Credifin Nederland

You will receive an e-mail from us within a few seconds with the necessary information to be able to create your 1st collection file.

24/7 online file insight

Log in to your account and you have access to your file(s) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

  • 100% No Cure No Pay debt collection
  • No subscription or file costs
  • High customer satisfaction (average mark: 9.4)
  • Follow the collection process 24/7 via your online file
  • Submit your collection within 5 minutes
  • Direct payment after receipt of collection

Need help?

Do you have any questions or do you need help filling out the form?

Call us 020-3452675

We are available on working days from 8.30 am to 5 pm

9.4 / 10

249 Reviews

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Frequently asked questions

View all FAQ's

Is it possible to engage a collection agency once?

Yes, you can engage a collection agency once if you want to hand over a claim once in a while. We do not charge any subscription or file costs, we work on a 100% No Cure No Pay basis, you can test us without being committed to anything.

I have created an account, what now?

You will immediately receive a confirmation email from us with instructions.

Through the login, in the confirmation email, you can get started right away. Read the manual, follow the step-by-step plan and enter your 1st collection file.

Once entered and saved, we check your invoice(s) and the documentation and immediately get to work for you.

You have access to your file(s) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. There you will find the outstanding invoices and the progress, so that you are always informed.


Do you have an automatic link for bulk direct debits (API link)

Yes, we have. For bulk direct debits there are 3 options:

1. Submit via an Excel file, we will then upload the file into the system.

2. We make a link with your own accounting system, such as Exact, Afas, Accountview, Microsoft Dynamics and many more.

3. You can also use our automatic API connection, such as Webservice, Webhooks and Single Sign-On (SSO) login. This makes exchanging data faster and considerably easier.

For more information you can contact us on 020-3452675

Can I also submit a collection order as a private person?

Yes, not in all cases. We do not handle alimony and family matters. Rental matters and loans, yes. In such cases, a signed agreement must be present. If you create an account, put your last name and private person under company data. Do you have any questions? Call us on 020-3452675


Is there a minimum amount for starting a collection?

No, the amount of your outstanding invoice does not matter to us.

Do you also handle foreign debt collections?

We only handle debt collection in the Benelux region. We use a specialized agency for other countries (please note: that will result in added collection costs).
