The collection agency is an indispensable institution in the modern economy. These organizations are responsible for collecting debt, a vital task in a world where credit is a cornerstone of the economic fabric. But where did debt collection agencies come from and how did they develop into the entities we know today? Let’s dive deeper into this matter.
The origin: early credit and debt collection
The concept of debt and its collection has existed since ancient times. Ancient civilizations such as the Mesopotamians, Egyptians, Greeks and Romans all had credit and debt systems. Debts were often recorded on clay tablets or papyrus scrolls and severe penalties existed for non-payment.
But it was the Romans who developed a system that comes closest to what we would now call a collection agency. They had special officers called “Publicani” who were responsible for collecting taxes and other debts. These Publicani were often wealthy men who bought the rights to collect taxes from the state and then made a profit by charging extra fees.
The Middle Ages and after
In the Middle Ages, debts were often collected by local lords or by the church. In some cases, debts were even collected by violent gangs. It was a system that was often unjust and had little regulation.
However, modern debt collection agencies as we know them today only really began to take shape in the 19th century, with the growth of industry and urban economies. People started borrowing more and more to start businesses, buy houses, and so on. This led to the need for organizations specialized in collecting these debts.
The modern collection agency
In the 20th century, debt collectors became a permanent part of the economy, with laws governing their activities. This was a time when the credit society as we know it really took off, with the rise of credit cards and other forms of consumer credit.
In the Netherlands, the government has set strict rules to protect both the debtor and the creditor. Collection agencies must comply with the Collection Costs Act (WIK) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). These regulations have helped both to increase the professionalism of the sector and to protect the rights of consumers.
The future of collection agencies
With advancements in technology and the increasing digitization of financial services, collection agencies face new challenges and opportunities. The rise of Fintech, or financial technology, has already led to innovations in the way debt is collected.
For example, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are increasingly being used to help with debt collection. These technologies can recognize patterns and trends in people’s payment habits, allowing collection agencies to focus their efforts on the most likely refund cases.
At the same time, increased regulation and attention to consumer rights has led to higher standards for debt collection practices. This has brought about a new focus on ethical debt collection, with an emphasis on helping debtors manage their financial situation and respecting their rights and dignity throughout the collection process.
Social collection
In addition, there is a growing trend of ‘social debt collection’, where collection agencies work to find solutions that benefit both the creditor and the debtor. This could be, for example, offering payment plans or referring debtors to debt counselling.
Clearly, while debt collectors have come a long way since the days of the ancient Romans, they continue to evolve and adapt to the changing world around them. Whatever the future holds, it looks like debt collection agencies will continue to play a role in our economy.
Debt collection agencies have evolved over the course of history from an often feared and misunderstood profession into an important part of the economic fabric, balancing the rights of creditors and debtors.
From the clay tablets of Mesopotamia to today’s advanced AI-driven processes, the history of debt collection is a fascinating journey through the economic development of our society.
Want to know more or do you want to engage us?
Are you interested in more information or would you like to try our services? Enable a collection agency? Then use our advanced collection agency, activate our services and experience our high-tech collection options, such as the Call Robot and SMS/WhatsApp payment reminders.
You can reach us on 020-3452675 or send an e-mail to We look forward to the opportunity to work with you.